Contract Management
Numerous contracts regulate the business basis for dealing with your business partners. It is important to retain full control. Among other things, the questions arise as to which contract expires when, by when a contract can be terminated in due time or which contract must be extended or changed.
With the strong contract management in Asset.Desk You get a complete and transparent overview of the status of all contracts stored in the system at any time at the push of a button. You can quickly and easily assign your contracts to the corresponding assets (hardware, software or furniture) or employees and are always informed about your contractual obligations and current processes.
FCS contract management offers you significant advantages:
- You have all contracts in one system, such as purchase, leasing, license, maintenance, mobile communications or subscriptions.
- By creating your own contract groups and linking assets to contracts, contract management can be expanded and used individually, eg for insurance contracts.
- The system automatically determines the cash flow to be expected for the coming months based on the payment plans stored.
- You are always well informed about the payment amounts you are due.
- With the budget and budget evaluations, all payments for the respective budget are shown and you are always informed whether the budget is still sufficient or where it may already have been exhausted.
- You determine who in the company can see and edit which contracts via the responsible processors and other classifications (e.g. by location, department, cost center or contract type).
- By linking contracts, the mapping of framework contracts or the identification of, for example, dependencies on leasing contracts and rental certificates is made possible.
- Each contract is given a status starting with "Draft" so that a workflow for contracts can be mapped.
- A change history for the contracts shows who changed which contract data and when (revision security).
- By displaying all appointments in the calendar and by using the resubmission function, you will never miss a contract date.
- Finally, the graphical evaluation enables a quick overview of all important contract key figures. These can be exported in various formats (including PDF or JPG).