We present Reserva
Reserve and borrow rooms and assets quickly and easily!

Already in version great new features have been waiting for you. Now with the version we start the development Reserva and now we have some new small improvements for you!


Features and improvements in the version at a glance:

  • set-up times
    • From now on, the set-up time can optionally be limited by the end of the service time. This means that the set-up time (or part of it) is not transferred to the new service time.
  • User administration
    • In the user management, the list of users can now be sorted by any column.
  • private labeling
    • Adjustments to the view (background, font, design colors) are now possible. This means for you: You can now design your individual reservation portal - for example according to your own CI.
    • You still need us for this. Just log in to FCS distribution.
  • Other minor improvements
We wish you every success and efficient borrowing with Reserva.
Your FCS team


Examples of private labeling for the Reserva-Home page



And here is an overview of everything about version
The following features and improvements are waiting for you in the new version
  • Reservation Options
  • Advanced roles and rights
  • info mails
  • Improvements in UI

Reservation Options  

You can now add options during the reservation process. Options can be freely defined and named in the settings. For a room reservation this can be, for example, a seating arrangement, cleaning or catering. Everyone Reservation option can be a preparation and / or a follow-up time assign to. This puts you in a position to, for example, do preparatory or clean-up work for rooms in the system. The pre- and post-processing time becomes the reservation time of the object or room and thus taken into account in the time planning. 


Roles and rights

In addition to the standard roles of user, supervisor and administrator can now more Add user roles from the administrator in the system. A role is defined functional rights, e.g. view requests, create requests, approve requests, Access on the user administration etc. 

In addition to the functional rights, individual access rights can now also be assigned to the role for categories, objects and rooms as well as for pick-up locations. access rights define for categories, objects and rooms what is borrowed or reserved by the user may and may not be used, for example the “Notebooks” category, a specific beamer or a specific room. Access rights to pickup locations determine from where or from which warehouse objects can be borrowed by the user and are therefore visible to him . 


Info mail to participants  

In a reservation to let off immediately one or more additional Email address record in order to inform other participants by Mail notify about the reservation. In the case of room reservations, for example, meeting participants, the catering service or the caretaker can be informed directly. The info mail for the reservation will be sent to the specified after approval Email address verschickt


Improvements in UI

Furthermore, we have this User interface improved and expanded in some places: 

  • The purpose of a reservation and the additional information of the Positions can now be changed later by the user. 
  • From the reservation position, the user can now click directly into the corresponding Branch occupancy in the weekly plan.
  • The intended use is now in the booking block in the weekly plan for the reservation or - if not available - alternatively the name of the user who made the reservation created. 
  • The weekly schedule has been made clearer.  



You have questions too Reserva or would like an online demonstration?
We are happy to help!

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> On-line demo

Have a nice summer!

Your FCS IT Management Solutions team



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